Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hello - I am your Uddiyana Bandha!

The inspiration for this post and thanks go to Vanessa for her handy tip on jumping back.

As soon as I read her post, and not being one to waste any time when it comes to yoga, I had to clear up the pile of files on my office floor in order to make room to try it (I probably needed to clear up a bit anyway!).

Jumping back is one of those things I don't try very often - its in the category of things that 'I can't really do yet' and hence, I try a couple of times then resort to the lift, tip forward then jump back technique.

Once I got home, I got my mat out in order to follow V's second tip and see if I could get the feet past the arms with the knees closer together. And yes I can - hooray, but my god, could I feel those bandhas afterwards - my stomach was crying out to me!

Now that I know it is possible, I will try and add it into my practice, although I am not sure how well I will fare after having done all of the standing sequence. And certainly at the speed I am going at the moment it would just not be feasible for the whole practice - it would take me forever.

Its much easier if I go on my fingertips - I know this isn't recommended for jumping through forwards, which isn't a problem for me anyway, but what about jumping back. Is it OK to do a few whilst developing that all important bandha strength (or growing a longer set of arms!)?

I am tyring to resist the urge to book another workshop, but am also very tempted to see David Swenson at work - I suspect I shalln't be able to resist - I may have to do the Saturday afternoon workshop at Triyoga Soho......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad I was of any help!