Thursday, September 28, 2006

More Self Discipline Required

I have lots to do - I don't feel like I am getting any of it done. The big issues are as follows:-

- Finish off some cases at work which have been dragging on
- make some big work related decisions and sort out paperwork to go with
- Get the electrician finished and out of the flat
- Sort out a new kitchen
- Decorate flat
- Get new bicycle wheel
- Get car serviced
- Book flight to India
- Do this months reading for TT
- Teach some more practice classes

Right, it doesn't seem so ominous when written down - its short after all; but sometimes anything over and above just getting up in the morning and going about the day seems like such an effort...

I have had a horrible cold this week and its really knocked my movtivation. I did a very short practice on Tuesday, then nothing yesterday as I just felt like I couldn't move. If there is ANY space in my flat around the electrician's boxes, cables, tools etc, then I will practice tonight. I definitely can't fit a class in on Friday night as I have a rehearsal for the wedding in the evening, and then won't manage the class on Saturday either as there just isn't time. Hopefully I can find a space in my mums house and practice there - at least I can use her mat!

Right, work... that's what I am here in the office for!

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